407 Middle Road, Hudson, NY 12534

orange firepit iconBasic Fire Pit Facts

How are Hudson Valley Fire Pits made?

Hudson Valley Fire Pits are hand-cut by artist Rachael Que Vargas from 100% recycled industrial tanks using a 35,000°F plasma torch. They are not: produced by CAD/CAM automated cutting, cast, welded, forged, spun, stamped or machined.

The material of the Fire Pits is American made high-strength, low-alloy, cold-rolled steel (also known as mild steel). It is not: Iron, stainless steel, copper, tin, aluminum or any other metal.

Do Hudson Valley Fire Pits get hot when in use?

Short answer: YES.

Long Answer: Steel is a good conductor of heat, so Hudson Valley Fire Pits can get hot. It depends on the type of fuel you use and how you set your Fire Pit up.

You can prevent your Fire Pits from heating up by converting to gas. A space of 3-4 inches between the edge of the burner and the edge of the bowl should provide enough of a heat sink to keep the Fire Pit itself relatively cool.

If you use your Hudson Valley Fire Pits to burn burn wood, it WILL get hot. In a wood burning Fire Pit, the coals are right up against the metal and will transmit heat to the bowl and it’s base. The bowl remains hot for at least several hours after the fire has died down.

Are your fire pits safe for kids?

That depends on you. Just like an iron, a pan on the stove or any other item which gets hot or is sharp, proper supervision is required.

Please note that like any fire pit, the bowl does get hot and can retain heat for several hours after a fire has burned down to embers. Some designs have sharp points or angles. Please exercise proper caution.

Will my fire pit look like the picture on your site?

Yes. This question is best broken into two parts though— design and color.

Design: Because all Hudson Valley Fire Pits are hand-drawn and hand-cut, there are minor variations… but if you were to line up 5 or 6 of the same design, you would have a hard time telling them apart.

Color: The rich, warm color of the fire pits is a natural patina which takes some time to fully develop. I apply the patina to all bowls before cutting them, but when I clean up the spatter and slag caused by cutting, it removes some patina around the edge of the bowl. The patina will naturally return to the cleaned edges and the entire bowl will develop a uniform look fairly quickly.

If you wish to speed the patina process, you can use the following non-toxic patina formula to get a full, uniform patina quickly:
4 parts white vinegar,
1 part hydrogen peroxide (3%)
1/2 part salt.

Mix the ingredients and spray the bowl thoroughly. It’s best to apply a couple coats as the spray dries. Once the patina has developed, rinse the bowl well with fresh water.

Note: In some older photos on my site, the base appears as a shiny silver color. This was the result of using freshly ordered steel on the day of the photo shoot, but the bases will actually have the same color as the bowl.

Can you do custom sized fire pits?

Unfortunately, no.

Because my fire pits are created from recycled steel tanks, I am limited to the industry standard sizes commonly produced: 37 and 41 inches in diameter.

The hydraulic presses used to make the bowls are giant machines the size of a house, exerting 800 tons of force. There are only about a 2 companies in the US that have the machinery to press such large bowls from heavy steel. Here’s a video that shows one of the presses in action.

Will you do custom fire pit designs?

Yes. I love doing something new and fresh and welcome your ideas. Visit this gallery to see custom designs I’ve done in the past.

If you are interested in a custom fire pit design, the best way to start is to send me an email from the form on the contact page. The more you can share about your ideas, the better. With custom work, the focus is all about making sure you get exactly what you’re looking for.

It’s important to spend time developing the design together, because once the steel is cut it can not be uncut! We’ll discuss the idea over the phone, collaborate on image research for the subject matter and I may ask you to try drawing your idea or sending photos that describe it.

Pricing for custom fire pits is based on time and materials. Custom orders are more expensive than stock designs due to the fact that it always takes much longer to do something the first time. Pricing for a custom design starts at $5000.00 and may be higher, depending on size, complexity and how difficult it is to lay out before cutting. The more exactly you are able to tell me what you want, the more accurately I can bid the price for you.

Small modifications to an existing design (such as cutting an extra hole or welding tabs to the base) can often be done for $100 to $500.

Can you copy a fire pit design I saw elsewhere?

Absolutely not. My designs are protected by copyright and I strenuously enforce my rights when my designs are copied. I can not then copy another artist or maker’s work. If you saw a design you like elsewhere, you should purchase it from the original artist or designer.

Usually when people look for a copy of work they saw elsewhere, it is a price issue. In most instances, it will be most cost effective to buy work from the original designer anyway— they will have figured out the most cost effective way to produce their own work. Anyone making a copy would be starting from scratch and it would take longer to do.

If you find someone willing to make a copy of another artist’s work at a reduced price, there is usually a hidden cost: whether it is quality of material, artistic skill, customer service, accountability, on-time delivery or something else, copies are never as good as the original.

Can you make fire pits in copper, bronze or stainless steel?

Unfortunately, no.

Stainless steel, copper and bronze are so expensive that I have not found an affordable way to offer them. I’ve investigated having my designs cast in copper or bronze, but the actual cost of the casting a single bowl (with no markup, profit or shipping cost added) was over $7000.00 apiece (in 2015). While it is technically possible for me to order bowls stamped from stainless steel, the cost of the minimum order was over $50,000 when I last inquired.

If I can ever find a way to produce Hudson Valley Fire Pits in stainless, bronze or copper at a reasonable cost I will certainly do so.

How much does a fire pit weigh?

The total weight for each design is listed on its sales page.

The bases for the fire pits weigh between 30-40 pounds. Stock fire pits weigh between 40-200 pounds depending on size and design. The detached base makes it easy for one or two people to move safely. I find that the easiest way to move most designs is by rolling it like a wheel.

The shipping weight of the fire pits is 50-100 pounds more, to include the weight of the pallet or crates when shipping internationally.

Are the fire pits stable?

My fire pits are designed to be quite stable and are quite difficult to tip over accidentally. The curve of the bowl nests into the detached base, and the weight of the bowl itself helps to keep it in place.

Some designs (like the Zen Sculptural Fire Pit) have a base that is 2 inches high. All fire pits with this shorter base have the base welded on.

Designs with taller bases are not welded together. There are two reasons for this:

• It makes it much easier to move (and to ship).

• It makes it possible to level the bowl on site during installation if the ground is not perfectly level itself (and it never, ever really is).

What makes your fire pits eco-friendly/green?

My fire pits are as eco-friendly as a fire pit design can be. They are made from 100% recycled materials, and the steel is 100% recyclable itself. All the scrap generated in the studio is either used in other artwork or recycled. The design scores high on sustainability in other ways as well. The warm rust finish requires zero maintenance and no chemical treatments. Quarter inch steel plate insures the bowl will last generations in any climate. The heavy steel holds and radiates heat like a wood stove, providing more warmth for less fuel. Opt for the gas-burning upgrade to minimize emissions and risk of accidental fire.

Sustainability is a major focus of my work as an artist.

I work primarily with recycled or re-used materials to minimize my impact on natural resources, climate and the environment.

I design for permanence. Most of my objects will last generations with little or no maintenance. I try to create designs which are timeless so that they never become part of the waste stream.

I design for functionality. My work is intended to be useful as well as beautiful.

Where possible, I design for easy disassembly for shipping or later re-use of materials.

Do you have a printed catalog?

More than just a simple catalog, the Hudson Valley Fire Pits Catalog is a beautiful 38 page art book. I chose a 12″ x 12″ format that allows the photos to really show the fire pits in their best light. The catalog is hosted on Magcloud to give you multiple options for print or digital delivery. You may choose any of the following:

Preview the catalog in the browser.
Download a free PDF or iPad version.
Purchase a print copy of the catalog.

How long does it take you to make a fire pit?

How Long Does It Really Take cartoon

Cartoon by Lauren Purje for Hyperallergic

Every fire pit is cut by hand using a handheld plasma torch. It is then finished by using a wire cup brush and/or sanding and grinding discs to remove spatter and slag from cutting. Some designs have the edges rounded and ground, while others retain the clean edge from the precision torch.

Each of these processes must be done at the speed dictated by the tool being used. For instance, if you cut too slowly with the torch you will get huge globs of metal stuck to the design which are hard to remove or you may even melt a large portion of the design. If you cut too quickly, the torch will not go all the way through the steel. It takes years to be able to cut perfect, clean lines at the correct speed working freehand without any guides.

The cartoon at the top of is one of the better answers to this question I have seen— the truth is, every piece of art ever made required a great deal of time that wasn’t spent specifically on the making of the piece. There are ideas I have had out of the blue that were effectively instant. But there are also ideas or designs that I have spent years thinking about, researching, viewing thousands of reference images, doing tens or hundreds of sketches for, before even attempting a sample or prototype.

orange firepit iconMaintenance + Installation

How long will my fire pit last?

I like to say that I can’t guarantee them longer than 500-1000 years. The thickness and quality of the steel insures that they will last many generations.

I offer a Dynasty Guarantee on all Hudson Valley Fire Pits, meaning they will last many lifetimes.

Hudson Valley Fire Pits are basically indestructible, but may arrive with some marks or scratches due to the fact that they are made from recycled materials. These scratches are considered to add history and character rather than being a defect.

What kind of maintenance does my fire pit need?

The only maintenance really required is to remove the ashes from wood fires periodically. The best way to do this is to use a shovel blade without a handle as a scoop. When ashes get wet, they become caustic and also hold water to the steel promoting accelerated rust. Allow bowl to cool overnight before cleaning. Wear leather gloves when cleaning.

Will the rust finish eventually destroy the fire pit?

Once the patina develops over the first few months, the rust forms a protective coating preventing air from further oxidizing the metal. All things must eventually cease to exist, but the heavy steel of my fire pits ensures that they will last for many, many generations.

Will your fire pits stain or burn my deck or patio?

Hudson Valley Fire Pits can cause some staining on stone patios if unpainted, but the stain tends to be limited just to the area around the base and does not generally spread beyond that. Think of the ring left by a coffee cup— if you don’t lift the cup (or move the bowl) you won’t see it. Should any stains occur, they are easy to remove with household cleansers designed to remove rust such as CLR.

To prevent staining, you can use a high temperature spray paint to paint your bowl on site. I recommend painting the bowl only once it is on the site where it will be used because harder to fix a scratch in paint than it is to paint from scratch.

High temp spray paint for grills is available at most any hardware store and will work fine on your fire pit. You can also use high temp automotive spray paints designed for engine blocks. These come in a wider color selection and can be found at auto parts stores.

If you plan to use your fire pit on a wooden or plastic lumber deck, you MUST place a heat shielding pad, firebrick, concrete paver or a slab of stone under the base. The fire pit does not transfer enough heat to set fire to a deck, but the base gets hot enough to brand marks into the wood.

The best way to insulate a deck when using a gas fire pit is to make a small square of firebrick to set the bowl on. This allows you to easily run gas from below without having to drill or cut holes in a one-piece barrier.

Can I buy spark screens or covers to fit your fire pits?

The easiest place to find screens is to search a large online retailer like Amazon.com. You are likely to get a better deal on shipping at Amazon than at many places.

Local ordinances may require you to use a spark screen to arrest sparks if you use a fire pit for wood burning fires.

I do not make spark screens myself, because, honestly, some things are done much better in factories than by hand. I tried it once and it took me three whole days and didn’t really look as perfect as one stamped out by a machine.

In many areas where open wood fires are prohibited, a gas fire pit will pass inspection because it creates no sparks (you should check your local ordinances first to be certain).

How do I remove ashes from a fire pit if I burn wood?

The easiest way to remove ashes is to use the blade of a shovel that has broken off the handle. The curve of the shovel blade fits closely to the bowl and makes it simple to get all the ashes out. Just about everyone has a shovel that has lost its handle.
how to remove ashes from a steel fire pit
It is best to wear gloves when you clean your fire pit.

Will ashes fall through the drain hole if I burn wood?

Yes, a few ashes or coals can fall through the drain hole. You should periodically clear these ashes so they do not impede drainage.

On many surfaces such as earth, stone, gravel or brick these ashes present no problem. If you plan to burn wood in your fire pit on a wooden or plastic lumber deck, you MUST place a heat shielding pad, firebrick, concrete paver or a slab of stone under the base. The fire pit does not transfer enough heat to set fire to a deck, but the base gets hot enough to brand marks into the wood.

Will you paint my fire pit for me?

No. It’s harder to fix a scratch in paint than it is to paint from scratch, and scratches are likely to occur during shipping. I recommend painting the bowl only once it is on the site where it will be used.

What kind of paints can I use to paint my fire pit?

All my fire pits are shipped with a natural patina. You can use a high temperature spray paint to paint your bowl on site. High temp spray paint for grills is available at most any hardware store and will work fine on your fire pit. You can also use high temp automotive spray paints designed for engine blocks. These come in a wider color selection and can be found at auto parts stores.

orange firepit iconFire Pits + Gas

Which is better, wood or gas?

Whether wood, natural gas or propane each type of fuel has its own advantages. Ultimately, the choice of fuel is a personal choice and depends on your own preferences and the effect you wish to achieve.

Wood fires are what most of us envision when we think of a campfire, fire pit or fire bowl. A wood fire is the classic raw element— primal, archaic, beautiful. It is almost like a living, breathing creature.

Advantages of wood:

  • Your fire pit arrives ready to use, you can light a fire immediately. (use the pallet for kindling!)
  • Wood fires have more variation of color than gas flames and can produce a more dramatic effect because of that.
  • Everyone loves the sound of a crackling wood fire.
  • Many people like the smell of a wood fire.
  • No additional expense to purchase and install a gas burner system. No need to bury a gas line.
  • Depending on where you live, you may have ready access to free firewood.
  • Wood is a renewable resource.

Disadvantages of wood:

  • Local ordinances may prohibit wood fires due to the risk of sparks starting accidental fires. In most places, the ordinances will allow a gas fire.
  • A gas fire can be started instantly, but you will need to build a wood fire each time and get it to light. You also need to feed it as the evening goes on, where gas requires no additional effort. However, there can be a great pleasure in feeding the fire.
  • Even though the smell of a wood fire can be pleasant at first it can also become overwhelming and can stick to clothes.
  • Firewood takes a lot more space to store than gas.

Gas fires: Propane and natural gas have nearly identical advantages and disadvantages. The only real differences are availability and the character of their smoke (or emissions).

Propane is readily available anywhere, which makes it the most common choice for gas fueled fire pits. Propane causes more soot when it burns than natural gas does, and the soot will color both the inside of your fire pit and any media that covers the burner (whether glass crystals, lava rock, ceramic logs, etc.).

Natural Gas is available only in select areas where pipelines already exist. Natural gas burns cleaner than propane and will not stain your fire pit or media with soot, which makes it the better choice for a gas-fueled bowl when available.

Advantages of propane and natural gas:

  • A gas fire can be turned on or off immediately.
  • Gas fires create less smoke and particulate, hence gas fires are gentler on the environment and atmosphere.
  • Your flame can be adjusted to taste but remains consistent.
  • Once lit, a gas fire does not need you to feed it or adjust the flame in any way.
  • The effect of a gas flame coming up out through fire glass is truly beautiful.
  • Gas fires are not silent, but they are quieter than wood fires.

Disadvantages of propane and natural gas:

You will need to purchase the conversion kit separately and have it installed. Most plumbers can easily install a propane burner. Natural gas burners will need to be installed by the company that provides your gas.

Why are burners sold separately and where do I get them?

I am not an expert in gas or plumbing. I’d rather you work with a contractor who is an expert in gas installations and can walk you through the many choices and variables to customize a kit to fit your project exactly.

Why do you recommend against push-button or remote control ignitions?

If you opt to convert to gas, Please, please, please just get a match light burner! It does not matter what the sales copy says, ALL electronic ignitions will fail within a few years because electronics just aren’t meant to get wet. And they will. I’ve been making fire pits for almost 20 years and I get calls every month asking where to go to replace a defective ignition.

This wouldn’t be such a big deal except that push button ignitions cost a few hundred dollars extra and remote control units are typically a grand or two extra.

What is the safest way to light a manual gas ring?

I recommend wadding up some paper, putting it in the pit and lighting it before turning the gas on. That way, there’s no big flare of gas that could singe you and no one is close to the pit when the fire starts.

If I convert to gas, can I still have wood fires?

No. Wood fires burn hot enough that they will damage the gas components and make them unsafe. Sadly, one has to choose one or the other.

On the other hand, you can always add a gas option after you have used your fire pit to burn wood. So— if you’re not sure which you want, start with wood and upgrade later if desired.

Can a propane tank be hidden in the fire pit base?

No. This is a fairly common request, but sadly it is NOT possible with my fire pits. Even if it would fit, you would be unable to access the on/off valve which is on the top of the tank and so would be right below the burner and the fire.
Can a propane tank be hidden in the firepit base
As you can see in the photo above, my fire pits are not large enough to conceal a standard 20 pound propane tank (which is is 17.5 X 12.2 inches). The bowl on the left is a 37 inch Zen Sculptural fire pit and on the right is a 47 inch. The tank is far too large to fit in the base and would not leave room for the burner if it were inside the bowl itself.
Fire pits do get hot when in use and could overheat the tank. I’m uncomfortable with the idea of housing a propane tank in the base because there’s a risk of explosion.
If you use a remote tank and run a gas line to the fire pit, you can put a shut-off valve in the gas line near to the bowl, which allows you to turn the gas on and off right by the fire pit rather than having to walk over to the tank. This is the simplest and best way to conceal the propane tank that feeds your fire pit.
Another solution is to build a stone or brick pillar that can house the tank and then put the bowl on top. Or, the tank can be hidden inside a nearby table as a customer recently did.

orange firepit iconPayment + Shipping

Do you offer a trade discount?

Yes. Trade discounts are available for designers, architects and builders with professional affiliations and credentials. Please email me from the contact page to set up an account.

Do you offer wholesale prices?

Yes. Wholesale pricing is available for select bricks and mortar galleries, stores and retail partners. Wholesale requires a minimum order of $10,000.00 Please email me from the contact page to set up an account.

What is your return policy?

All artwork sold from the website is eligible for return and replacement if it arrives damaged or broken.

Due to the high cost of freight shipping, returns are accepted only if the buyer pays actual shipping costs both ways. Sculptural Fire pits may arrive with some marks or scratches due to the fact that they are made from recycled materials. These scratches are considered to add history and character rather than being a defect eligible for return.

Commissions and custom designs are excluded from the above policy: I will refund deposits if no materials have been purchased and no work has begun. Once the deposit has been spent on materials or I have begun the piece, the deposit is no longer refundable. If for any reason you are unhappy with a finished commission or custom design, I will make a reasonable effort to help you resell it but custom work is not eligible for return or refund.

What is your refund policy on commissions and custom designs?

I will refund deposits only if no materials have been purchased and no work has begun. Once the deposit has been spent on materials or I have begun the piece, the deposit is no longer refundable. If for any reason you are unhappy with a finished commission or custom design, I will make a reasonable effort to help you resell it but custom work is not eligible for return or refund.

Do you ever have seconds, rejects or damaged work at a lower price?

No. In the rare event that a piece is damaged or imperfect, it is better to destroy it or turn it into something else than to have an imperfect piece represent my skill and quality to anyone who sees it.

My reputation is based on what people see in the work, so it is vital to ship only the best work.

Do you offer payment plans/layaway?

Yes. In most cases I am happy to finance a purchase via a scheduled payment plan. Artwork is shipped only when payments are completed. Buyer is responsible for making payments on time and notifying me when their purchase has been completed so that I can ship the work (ie: I’m not going to keep track of it for you but I will check your math when you tell me you’ve completed your payments).

Payments for financed artwork are not refundable in the event that payments cease before the agreed amount has been completed. They can be applied to less expensive work, or counted towards the total when payments resume at a later date.

How are your fire pits shipped?

Free freight delivery is included in the purchase price for Hudson Valley Fire Pits. Your Fire Pits arrives on a delivery truck with a lift gate.

Fire Pits ship on reused pallets. They are securely tied face down to the pallets with biodegradable twine. The base for the Fire Pit is under the bowl on the pallet. Oversize Fire Pits, some custom designs and international orders will be crated.

What is the lead time for shipping?

Hudson Valley Fire pits usually ship within a day or two of receiving your order because I prefer to have everything done.

It is a good idea, however, to ballpark 7-10 business days in case I am traveling, or constrained by weather, illness, a large order ahead of yours, etc. If there is any reason that it will take more than 5 business days to ship your order I will let you know immediately.

How long does it take to arrive?

Transit times vary based on distance, but the furthest states rarely take more than 5 business days in transit. 2-3 day transit times are the norm. I send a tracking email as soon as I schedule pickup.

Because the freight company requires a signature, they will call you to make a deliver appointment. The tracking email includes a phone number for the freight company and delivery is sometimes faster if you call them to schedule.

Can I get overnight/expedited shipping?

Maybe. But it is definitely better to plan ahead. Freight carriers are not as responsive as FedEx or UPS, so it may not be possible to have an order picked up in time for overnight delivery.

Cost is also a consideration. I once was able to overnight a fire pit to Key West, FL on Christmas Eve but it took 8 hours of phone calls, 3 freight companies working together in tag team and over $3,000 in shipping costs. It absolutely made the customer’s day when it arrived in time for the holiday but it sure would have been simpler and cheaper to ship it the week before!

Do I need to sign for delivery?

Yes. The freight company will not deliver without a signature in most instances. They will call you to make an appointment when the bowl reaches the terminal nearest your home or business.

If you can’t be there personally to sign for the shipment, maybe a friend can do it for you.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes! I love to have my work in as many different parts of the world as possible. I’ve shipped all over the world to more than 20 countries and it’s always exciting to add new locations.

To get a price quote for overseas shipping, please email me with your full delivery address and the size, style and quantity of the fire pit you wish to purchase. I will get a shipping quote for you within 3-5 days and provide instructions for payment. To get an accurate quote, I must have the full street address.

I bill only for the artwork and shipping cost— taxes, customs brokers and any other import fees will be the responsibility of the customer. In many countries there is no duty tax for fine art, but there may be other regional, state or local taxes.


The customer is considered the importer of the purchased products and will be responsible for any customs tax, import duties, goods and services tax (GST), valued-added tax (VAT), or any similar customs-related charges.

Customs policies vary by country and Hudson Valley Fire pits cannot make any guarantees as to whether or not shipments will be subject to customs-related fees. Please contact your local customs office for more information.

In addition to customs fees, customers may also incur other charges, such as administration or brokerage fees. These are handling charges incurred due to customs processing and clearance of your shipment.